Testing the MySQL Cluster can mean a lot of typing. Not being the best typist and getting tired of typing the same thing over and over again I created a short cut to make life better.
I have a file called shortcut.sh. Inside my .bash_profile for each of my test systems, I have added this file to be run when I login.
.bash_profile example
. /home/ndb/jmiller/shortcut.sh
Then all the command and connection strings I need are just few key strokes away.
alias ndbd='/home/ndb/jmiller/builds/libexec/ndbd'
alias ndb_mgmd='/home/ndb/jmiller/builds/libexec/ndb_mgmd'
alias ndb_mgm='/home/ndb/jmiller/builds/bin/ndb_mgm'
alias mysql='/home/ndb/jmiller/builds/bin/mysql'
alias mysql_server='/etc/init.d/mysql.server'
alias ndb_restore='/home/ndb/jmiller/builds/bin/ndb_restore'
alias mysqldump='/home/ndb/jmiller/builds/bin/mysqldump'
alias installdb='/home/ndb/jmiller/builds/bin/mysql_install_db'
export NDB_CONNECTSTRING=n10:14000
alias mysqladmin='/home/ndb/jmiller/builds/bin/mysqladmin'
Before doing this, to start a cluster I would have to do the following:
(short example)
Either cd to
$> /home/ndb/jmiller/builds/libexec/
$> /home/ndb/jmiller/builds/libexec/ndb_mgmd -f /path/to/config/file
and then
$>/home/ndb/jmiller/builds/libexec/ndbd -c n10:14000 --initial
as you can see this would get to be tiring.
By adding the shortcut, I can just do
$>ndb_mgmd -f /path/to/config/file
$> ndbd --initial
Note that since I exported my NDB_CONNECTSTRING I do not need to include the -c option when starting the ndbd. In addition, I can now use ndb_mgm (mgt client) any where on the host and I do not need to include the connect string.
$>ndb_mgm -e show
$>ndb_mgm -e "all status"
$>ndb_mgm -e shutdown
In addition I created in the file above some shortcuts to directories that I often need to go to.
cd /space/var
cd $db
In short, we are supposed to work smarter, not harder. Hope this helps for those using MySQL Cluster